Vibroacoustic and
Tactile Sound Massage Table
Newsletter Archives
Newsletters have interviews and articles with Therapists who have our Tactile Sound Tables and how they use them.
There is also information on VAT or Vibroacoustic Therapy and
music suggetions in each issue.
We are finished writing and editing a book
on Vibroacoustics and Vibroacosutic Therapy (VAT).
Input for the book is coming from experienced
Massage Therapists specializing in different modalities as well as
wonderful Harp Therapists and Vat Therapists.

Click to order
There is a great deal of very useful information in our archived Newsletters listed below.
Preliminary - April 2009
Article: Stephen Deuel
Member of International Society for VibroAcoustics
Sound Tables, Sound Chairs and Autism
March 2009
Article: Stephen Deuel
Member of International Society for VibroAcoustics
Integrating a Mixing Board with your Sound Table or Chair
January 2009
Article: Stephen Deuel
Member of International Society for VibroAcoustics
VAT Sessions using Light & Sound Machines
November 2008
Article: Stephen Deuel
Member of International Society for VibroAcoustics
VAT Sessions using Frequencies and Music
August, 2007
Article: Olav Skille
Tonsberg, Norway
Pain Reduction by Sound Massage
June, 2007
Interview: Bill Amos , LMT
Sedona, AZ
Swedish, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage
Native American Healing Arts
VAT (VibroAcoustic Therapy)
April - May, 2007
Interview: Trisha Adams, LMT
Article: Suzanne Jonas, Ed.D.
- Behavioral Medicine Psychotherapist and Bioacoustics Practitioner in Maryville, TN.
- Director of Inner Harmony Health Center, and a trainer in the field of sound therapy and MusicMedicine.
September - October, 2006
Interview: Linda G. Metzger, LMT
- Owner Palm Island Salon/Spa, Lake Wales, Florida
- Owner of a Hydraulic Lift Stationary Tactile Sound Table
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- Registered Esthetician
- Reflexology
June, July, August, 2006
Interview: Nance MacLeod, DNM, PhD,
Niagara-on-the-Lake Natural Health Clinic, Ontario, Canada
- Doctor of Natural Medicine
- Leading Canadian authority specializing in Anti-aging Technology and Pain Management. Nance is known for developing unique protocols for pain/stress relief and anti-aging therapies using Low Level Laser, Electrotherapy, Laser Acupuncture, Massage, Reflexology and more.
- 27 years experience in the Health and Wellness
- Therapist and Facilitator of SCENAR
- Active member of ODNMA (Ontario Doctors of Natural Medicine Association) & WONM (World Organization of Natural Medicine)
- 2006 Order of Excellence Award recipient
April - May, 2006
Interview: Lisa Manning LMT, Integrated Bodyworks in Kingswood, TX
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- CranioSacral and Myofascial Therapy
- Traditional Massage
February - March 2006
Interview: Patti Schippani, Owner of Soma Advanced Body Therapy in Merrimack, NH and
Golden Touch Massage Therapy in Nashua, NH
- Licensed bodyworker for 13 years.
- Teaches CranioSacral Therapy at a local massage school.
- Chairperson of the Massage Therapy Board of Advisors in NH.
January 2006
Interview: Stephen Deuel, Managing Director, Inner Soulutions LLC, Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Sound and Energy Practitioner
- Innovator of Vibrational Technologies ™
- Managing Director of Inner Soulutions LLC
- Manufacturer of Tactile Sound Massage Tables
November 2005
Interview: Christina Mitchell, LMT, Fort Myers, Florida
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- Reiki Practitioner
September - October 2005
Interview: Ludo Vanhees, Spa Anicca Relaxation, Namibia, Africa
- Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Relaxing Oil Massage (emotional), Indian Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage, Chair Massage, Oriental Hand and Foot Massage, Four Hands Massage
- Traditional Thai, Reflexology and Rei-flexology, Consultations with Bach Flower Remedies, Kinesiology…
August 2005
Interview: Kathy Silva-Tanguay , LMT, Cape Cod MFR Studio , Harwich, MA
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- Trained in Advanced Myofascial Therapies
July 2005 Interview:Tim Janek, RMT, Healing Path Bodywork, Houston, TX
- Instructor at the Phoenix School of Holistic
- Nationally Licensed and State Registered
Massage Therapist
- Trained in Craniosacral Therapy, Energy Work,
Neuromuscular, Myofascial Release and Medical
- Instructor - CEU hours for Massage
June 2005
Interview: Jason Boles - Jahsah, The Art of Healing, Sedona, AZ
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- 3 rd Level Reiki Master
- Certified Transformational Healing
- Sound & Energy Practitioner incorporating
a Tactile Sound Table,tuning forks, crystal/metal
bowls, chimes, rattles,Native flutes, Didgeridoos,
drums, crystals, feathers, voice, tones, mantras and
- Sacred Fire Keeper
May 2005
Interview: Gail Lago, Director, Spring of Life Healing Centre, Hot Springs AR
Registered Massage Therapist
Cranial Sacral Practitioner
Reiki Master
Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition of whatever nature, and shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise. Information on this site is intended to be for educational edification and use only.