We have been adding to this site for over 15 years and it contains a great deal of Information on Vibroacoustics and Vibroacoustic Therapy.
Our New Site at InnerSoulutions.com
User and Mobile Friendly
All of our Sound Tables and CDs
in an Easy to Find format
Vibroacoustics -
Melt Away Your Stress
Achieve Deep Relaxation
Soothe Body, Mind and Spirit
Feel Balanced, Peaceful and Rejuvenated
Lower Blood Pressure
Manage Pain -
and MORE -
Without Meds ...
Daily stress makes our cells acidic, and we tend not to fill the cells up to an optimal oxygen level. These traces of stress are stored as waste products in cells and blood vessels which may, in time, lead to serious consequences for our health. Low frequency sound vibrations through VAT (Vibroacoustic Therapy) may contribute to clean the cells, increase oxygenation and reduce acidation.
Vibroacoustic tables can help
reduce blood pressure, heart rate and stress levels,
as was reported on CNN - Dec.17, 2004.
Gentle Vibrations can build bone mass and reduce fat according to a new study (Click here).
We have been exploring Frequencies
since 1987
InnerSoul Folding Sound Massage Table
InnerSoul Liquid Sound Table

InnerSoul Sound Chair
InnerSoul Hydraulic Lift and Stationary
Sound Tables

InnerSoul Sound Mat
Conscious Flight
Vibroacoustic Resonant Frequency CDs
Colon Frequencies
Meridian Frequencies
Intestine (Digestion) Frequencies
Parkinson's Frequencies
Endocrine System Frequencies
Bladder Resonant Frequencies
Neck and Shoulder, Hip and Knee & Foot
Muscle Frequencies
and more ...
Download PDF List of Our VAT Frequency and Vibroacsoutic Music Tracks
Chicago Tribune Article:
Vibroacoustics and Dealing With Stress
Short Article in Massage Magazine April 2009
By Stephen Deuel
Uses for the Vibroacoustic Tactile Sound
Massage Tables and Sound Chairs include:
~ Enhanced Relaxation ~
~ Stress Reduction ~
~ Lower Blood Pressure ~
~ Build Bone, Reduce Fat ~
~ Sound Massage Therapy ~
~ Myofascial Release ~
~ Pain Management ~
~ Parkinson's Spasms & Tremors ~
~ Dealing with Fibromyalgia ~
~ Coping with Autism ~
~ Inner Sound Journeys ~
~Increase Oxygenation~
~Reduce Acidation~
~ Virtual Dolphin Therapy ~
~ Lessen Burnout Rate for Massage Therapists ~
~ Deepened Meditation Levels ~
~ Whole Body Vibration ~
~ Calming Restless Behavior ~
~ Stimulating Creativity ~
~ Ultimate in Sound Therapy ~
~ Physical & Auditory Stimulation ~
~ Enhancing Self Help or Mind Body Tapes & CDs ~
~ Delivering Bio-Acoustic Frequencies to
the Body's Vibrational System ~
~ Mind-Body-Soul Connection ~
~ Recreational Therapy ~
~ Physical Therapies ~
~ Music Therapy ~
~Sound Therapy~
~ VAT Therapy ~
~ Increased Receptivity to Holistic Health &
Alternative Medicine Practices ~
Our Booth at the 2007 International
Sound Healing Conference in Santa Fe, NM
"cellular massage for the body".
"Table has arrived and it is everything I expected and more.
Great job, a work of art for sure!!! I set it up last night and
tried it out myself. It is a much more comfortable table than the (other manufacturer's) table I used when I took my sound
healing workshop" . Kathleen S-T, Cape Cod, MA
"Since my purchase of an InnerSoul Sound Massage Table, my at home clients have doubled by word of mouth. I don't have to work as hard due the relaxing effect of the table has on the clients and many tell me that it is the best massage they have ever had. The table has paid for itself in a few months and I live in a small "spa" town that has over 100 licensed massage therapists". Gail Lago, L.M.T., Hot Springs, AR
"Aloha Stephen! We love the table and have been working with it testing different instruments, CDs, etc. Doug's been making test CDs with different Hawaiian slack key tunings for us to test. It's a wonder-full experience!!"Mahalo nui, Sandy & Doug - Kauai, H
"Received the table on Tues...It is awesome ... Already have paying clients fighting to get on... You did a great job ...thank you so much ...Le Ann Harling, Golden Sun Healing Arts, Fredericksburg, TX

"I have been working with sound therapies since 1987. My work with sound led me to research and develop a high quality vibroacoustic body work table for my own needs. In the late 1990's, I began manufacturing and refining the tables, taking advantage of new technologies as they have become available. In the tables that we build, vibroacoustic technology is utilized with music and frequencies that introduce deep relaxation and vibrations to the body designed to help the client regain balance and health at a cellular level. Whether you incorporate an InnerSoul Sound Massage Table, Sound Mat, Liquid Sound Table or Sound Chair with sound therapies, physical therapy, pain management, massage, energy work, to balance the chakras, for meditation or to just de-stress after a long day, the results and healings that have occurred have been remarkable. For whatever purpose you utilize the table, the results will be more effective than on a soundless table.
We also have been teaching Higher Consciousness Workshops using Sound for years - see InnerSoulutions.org for more information." The intent that I hold when creating one of our InnerSoul Sound Tables is that the consciousness be raised of anyone that experiences it.
For my Inspiration and Motivation, please see the first question in the FAQs.
"I want to thank all of my friends and colleagues throughout the world for their help and insights which have aided my continuing growth. I deeply respect and appreciate all of you."
Stephen Deuel - Member of International Society for VibroAcoustics, Designer of the InnerSoul Sound Massage Table , Liquid Sound Table and Vibro Sound Mat and
Managing Director of InnerSoulutions LLC
Inner Soulutions LLC
455 Barton Dr.
Lewiston, NY 14092
Stephen Deuel
Disclaimer: Nothing on this web site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition of whatever nature, and shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise. Information on this site is intended to be for educational edification and use only.