Percieving Sound
Why use the New Technology Transducers?
Why use the New Technology Transducers?
John Reid's explanation below deals with mp3 as well as the body's cells and their perception in the 100 - 1000 hz range. This helps to explain one of the reasons that we create our sound tables with transducers that allow you to feel the sound vibrations in the above range. Most sound tables use low end transducers that are effective from 20 - 100 hz. The new technology transducers that we use in our sound tables are effective form 5 hz to close to 1000 hz. The exception would be for our Basic Table which is effective in the 20 - 100 hz range like most other sound tables that are made.
A Sound Table vibrates the cells with sound.
The following is from
John Stuart Reid, co-inventor of the CymaScope, an instrument that makes sound visible. ( says:
"To mp3 or not to mp3 is an interesting question. Sonically, mp3 can be described as ‘muddy.’ Try connecting your mp3 player through your home stereo and then compare the sound of a CD. The mp3 is a bit like listening to a good stereo through a thick wool sweater. Millions of people put up with this muddiness for the sake of convenience yet I’m about to defend the mp3 format in the sound healing arena. Read on to learn why.
Historically, sound healing has involved immersing our bodies in a rich, harmonic soundscape so a key question is: Do the cells in our bodies need the higher harmonics or is the relatively poor performance of the mp3 format adequate for sound healing purposes? Clues lie in the following three observations.
1. The work of James Gimzewski of UCLA, California, has shown that the cells of our bodies ’sing’ to each other, a form of intracellular communication. The song examples I’ve analyzed were all fairly mid-range in character, lying roughly in the range 100 to 1000 Hertz. I would certainly like the opportunity to analize a wide range of cell songs but provisionally I would say that if we wish to ‘feed’ our cells with sound, the important upper limit seems to end somewhere around 1000 Hz, easily within the mp3 bandwidth. Some people might say “Aha! but it’s not mp3’s bandwidth that is relevant to sound healing but its compression– the amount of data removed.” This is addressed in my third point.
2. Cells not only live in a watery environment they are largely MADE from water. Water’s high frequency transient response to sound–its ability to follow fast moving sounds–is fairly slow. My colleague, Erik Larson, and I are co-inventors of the CymaScope, an instrument that makes sound visible. ( When we observe sounds imprinted on water we see that as the frequency increases it requires an exponential increase in sound energy level to make such imprints visible. The underlying reason is connected with the excursion of any matter to high frequency energy. Only very small volumes of water exhibit a good hf response, for example the tiny volume of fluid in the ear’s cochlea. If we increase that mass of water, for example within the tissues of the body, the response to h.f. sounds rapidly deteriorates. This is another reason why we suspect that the cells in our bodies are not too interested in sound frequencies above 1000 Hz. Again, mp3 is saved!
3. Regarding the compression of mp3 signals, it’s true that much data is lost in the process but again it is in the high frequency area of the audio spectrum where the distortion is greatest, frequencies that the cells in our tissues don’t appear to register. In the lower frequencies the missing data is almost certainly ‘filled in’ by the elacticity of the water in our cells. I’ll explain why in a little more depth: All the building blocks of matter, atoms and molecules, are in a state of periodic vibration at a rate dependant on the local temperature. When an area of water is imprinted by sound frequencies every molecule uptakes the additional periodic movements. The lower the frequency the more efficient the uptake. So, each molecule is now vibrating in many different ways simultaneously. At lower frequencies, say up to 700 Hz, if we suddenly stop the sound and then re-engage it a microsecond later what do you think happens in the water? Actually ‘not much’ is the answer. The molecules have a certain inertia in their periods of motion and they carry on as if we hadn’t interrupted the sound. In other words, the water does not appear to betray the removal of the sound for that brief moment.
To summarise and conclude: High frequency sounds may not be an important aspect of cellular communication. Low frequency sounds do not betray a momentary absence of sound. Thus, mp3 may be saved as a sound healing format? If anyone disagrees with my analysis I remain open to a good counter argument!"
The preceding is from
Pathways to Perceiving Sound
There are
five ways pulsations can be perceived in the human body in the auditory
frequency range. Each of theses sensory pathways has a different mechanism,
but all of them reinforce the sounds that come in through our ears. The
general term that has been adopted for these additional four pathways
is "Tactile Sound". The range of tactile sound, as identified
by Clark Synthesis,
is from approximately 1Hz to 800Hz. This is quite a bit higher than what
subwoofers deliver, and extends into the lower registers of the human
vocal frequency ranges. We originally used Clark transducers in our Sound Tables. As technology as improved, we have moved to the new technology transducers. The explaination below regarding perceiving sound is still quite valid.
In the tables
that we build, this technology is utilized with music and frequencies that
introduce deep relaxation and vibrations to the cells of the body and designed to help
you regain balance and health at a cellular level. Whether you
incorporate one of our Sound Massage Tables with regular massage, energy
work, to balance the chakras, meditation or to de-stress after a long
day, the results and healings that have occurred have been remarkable.
For whatever purpose you utilize the table, the following describes
why the results are more effective than on a soundless table.
Pathways to Perceiving Sound
- From Clark Synthesis
Hearing Via Air Transmission:
The standard
way we perceive acoustic energy is through our ears. The mechanism is
simple. Vibrating air molecules enter the ear canal and push against the
eardrum. This energy is transmitted to the Cochlea through the inner ear
bones. The Cochlea is a fluid-filled sense organ in which small hairs,
Cilia, convert mechanical vibration. Sound waves push on the eardrum,
which mechanically stimulates the three ear bones. These push on the oval
window of the Cochlea and create the sensation of sound.
Feeling Via Deep Tissue Movement:
The ground
vibrating almost imperceptibly beneath our observers is stimulating nerve
endings in deep tissues and muscle mass. This sense is called "kinesthetic".
It comes from the Greek word kinein, which means, "to
move". These kinesthetic sensations are the gut feelings that
occur when powerful objects excite the ground near us.
Feeling Via Skeletal Joint Movement:
The ground
vibrating beneath our observers is also stimulating nerve endings in skeletal
joints and deep tissues. This sense is called "haptic".
It comes from the Greek word haptein, which means, "to touch".

Feeling Via Tactile Stimulation:
The ground
moving beneath our friends is also stimulating nerve endings just under
the outer layer of skin. This sense should be familiar to you; it is your
sense of touch. Ordinarily, the sense of touch does not come into
effect with acoustic events except in situations where excessively loud
noises are produced. It also comes into effect for musicians who hold
their instruments close to their bodies when playing.
Feeling Via Bone Conduction:
The Cochlea,
the sense organ that takes the mechanical movements of acoustic energy
and translates them into nerve impulses, is firmly encased in the skull
bone. This bony protection allows a secondary pathway for sound waves
to reach the Cochlea; directly through the bone mass itself. The phenomena
of bone conduction is well known and has been exploited by many people.
For example, in cases of structural hearing loss where the eardrum or
inner ears bones are damaged beyond repair, various companies manufacture
bone conducting "hearing aids." These devices clamp onto the
back of the ear, or are actually implanted into the skull, to directly
stimulate the Cochlea via local bone conduction.
Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition of whatever nature, and shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise. Information on this site is intended to be for educational edification and use only.